Now that my Restoration Chronicles series is complete, I’m giving away a free set of these three books to one of my readers. The series is based on the biblical books of Ezra and Nehemiah, so take this True/False quiz first to see how much you remember about them:
Ezra & Nehemiah Trivia Quiz
1) Both of these men were born in Jerusalem.

2) They lived during the time of Queen Esther.
3) Ezra served as a priest of God.
4) The King of Persia granted the exiled Jews permission to return to Jerusalem and provided funds to rebuild God’s Temple.
5) When the Jews returned to Jerusalem from exile, Ezra encouraged them to intermarry with the people already living in the land.
6) Israel’s neighboring nations helped the Jews rebuild the Holy Temple in Jerusalem.

7) Nehemiah held an important position in the Persian government before going to Jerusalem.
8) There were women who helped Nehemiah rebuild Jerusalem’s wall.
9) Nehemiah and his co-laborers worked on the wall with one hand and carried a weapon in the other hand.
10) Ezra and Nehemiah celebrated the completion of the wall together.

1) False – The Jewish people had been carried into captivity by the Babylonians and both Ezra and Nehemiah were born in exile.
2) True – The time periods of these two biblical books and the Book of Esther overlap.
3) True – He traces his genealogy back to Aaron, the first High Priest (see Ezra 7:1-5).
4) True – A copy of his decree is found in Ezra 1:2-4.

5) False – When Ezra learned that some Jews had married idol worshippers, he took drastic action (see Ezra 9-10).
6) False – Their offer to help was refused for fear they would mix their idolatry with true worship (see Ezra 3:1-3).
7) True – He served as a cupbearer to the Persian king, a position of great trust similar to a secret service agent who guards the president.
8) True – As unbelievable as this sounds, it’s true (see Nehemiah 3:12).
9) True – They refused to let their enemies halt their work (see Nehemiah 4:16-18).

10) True – Nehemiah 12:27-36 describes the celebration and says that Ezra led one of the processions.
How did you do? Don’t feel bad if you didn’t know all of the answers. I didn’t either until I began researching this series! But you can learn everything you need to know by reading my Restoration Chronicles. Book One, Return to Me, tells how the Jews who had been exiled to Babylon returned to their homeland to rebuild God’s Temple—the same Temple where Jesus later worshipped (although it was greatly embellished by King Herod). Book Two, Keepers of the Covenant, tells the story of the second wave of immigrants who returned, led by Ezra the teacher and priest. Book Three, On This Foundation, tells the story of Nehemiah, who took a leave of absence from the Persian king’s court to rebuild Jerusalem’s walls.
One lucky reader will win a free set of these 3 books. Just follow the link to leave a comment on my other blog, Inspired by Life and Fiction, and I will pick a winner.