In my last blog, I asked for prayer for my mom who recently fell and broke her hip, just before her 95th birthday. I want to thank everyone who prayed for her, and to tell you that she is doing very well. The surgery went well, she’s in a rehab hospital, and she’s in good spirits. She’s starting to walk again, and hopes to be able to return home soon. I’m so thankful that I can now praise God for this wonderful answer to prayer. What an amazing privilege it is to be able to bring all of our needs and fears to God!
Lately, I’ve been almost afraid to watch the news or read the headlines with all of the tragedies that seem to be happening daily. The terrible forest fires and hurricanes. The latest Covid statistics. The social unrest and injustice. The political divisions. I think we all dislike change, and things seem to be changing faster than we can even process them. It helps me to remind myself that our Heavenly Father is unchanging. His love and mercy are the same yesterday, today and forever. His salvation in Christ is unchanging. And His Word is unchanging.

In my non-fiction devotional, Sightings, I offered three exercises that I’ve used over the years to keep me centered on Christ’s promises when the changes start happening too quickly, and life seems overwhelming. These three ideas have also helped me grow closer to God over the years.
First, I keep a prayer journal to write down people and circumstances I’m praying for. The journal helps remind me of them when I sit down to pray during my quiet times. But I also leave space after each request to record how and when God answers those prayers. My mother’s surgery will certainly go into my book. I’m always amazed to see how the things I prayed for were perfectly resolved in God’s time and according to His plan. The journal serves as a reminder of His faithfulness, especially during the hard times when I don’t even know how to pray.

The second thing I recommend is that you take note of all the “God sightings” in your life. These are the moments and places where you saw God’s hand, or little reminders of His love. It might be as simple as noticing His boundless creativity in the flowers in your garden. It could be a kind word someone offered just when you needed it. In my devotional, Sightings, I describe some of the “God sightings” in my own life. Recording these little moments will provide you with an account of His goodness to remind you when He seems far away.

Finally, I encourage you to write down scripture verses that build your faith. Keep them in a handy place where you can read them regularly and commit them to memory. The Bible says, “Your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path” (Psalm 119:105). It offers guidance and wisdom when we need it. Scripture is also part of every Christian’s armor to battle the enemy. The Word of God is our “sword” (see Ephesians 6:10-18). We need to be well-armed.

Yes, there are a multitude of things we need to pray for in our country right now. But I want to remember to take time to praise God and to thank Him every single day for one of His blessings. Today I’m thanking Him for my mom, and for every one of you who took time to pray for her and wish her well. God bless you!