The notice in the newspaper intrigued me. It called for volunteers to help with a hot air balloon race, which was taking place in a few days in a nearby park. I remember thinking, “Hmmm. Maybe I could use this experience in a novel someday.” We lived in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada at the time, and my children were small, but I talked my family into volunteering with me, thinking it might be a fun experience. And it was!
We were assigned to a balloonist on the day of the race, and our first task was to help him unload the wicker gondola, burners, fans and a huge canvas bag from the back of his pickup truck. Then we set to work pulling the enormous balloon from the bag and spreading it out on the ground. And I do mean enormous! It could have covered our entire house. Next, we set up fans in front of the balloon’s opening and held it open like a huge mouth until the cavity was filled with air. My husband and another volunteer held onto the guide ropes at the top of the balloon so it wouldn’t blow away before we were ready.
Meanwhile, the balloonist set up the gondola and burners, and attached them to the balloon, which was rising up as it filled with air as if coming to life after a long slumber. In fact, we were surrounded by swelling balloons on all sides. What a magnificent sight!
The balloonist had warned us to cover our ears when he fired the burners but I forgot, and the sudden roar made me jump out of my shoes. The warm air from the burners gave the balloon lift and it rose to its full height, tugging against the ground ropes as if ready to soar. It was time for the pilot to jump aboard and take off along with all the others. They would be sailing on the wind and following a chase balloon, which would be dropping a marker flag somewhere in the countryside, wherever the wind took it. The balloon that managed to drop a flag closest to the marker would be the winner.
Our pilot’s gondola was very small, so none of us got to ride with him. But as soon as he took off we became his chase team, following along behind him in his pickup truck so he wouldn’t be stranded in the middle of nowhere when his fuel ran out. The chase was an adventure in itself! We had to watch the skies and the roadway at the same time, always trying to keep the balloon in sight. Winnipeg is divided by two rivers, so we had to backtrack a few times in order to find a bridge across them. Things got exciting with all three kids searching the skies until we spotted our balloon once again.
It landed safely in a farmer’s field outside of town, and he was very happy to see us roll up a few minutes later in his truck. After we helped him stuff the gigantic balloon back into the bag and reload all of the equipment, he drove us to the park to retrieve our car. All in all, it was a fun way to spend a summer evening, and the experience of a lifetime for our family. Years later, one of our kids confessed that he took adventures like that one for granted when he was young. It wasn’t until he spent time with his school friends that he realized not everyone’s mother was a crazy writer who volunteered for outrageous experiences like this.
And guess what? If you read my newest book, “Fly Away,” you’ll find that my characters also volunteer for a hot air balloon race. Nothing is ever wasted in the life of a writer! “Fly Away” was successfully launched four days ago as an e-book and in print. An audio version is also in the works. It tells the stories of two very different people—one learning how to live and the other how to die. But it isn’t a sad book at all. In fact, my early readers tell me they laughed out loud in places. If you would like to enter for a chance to win one of two free copies, be sure to join my newsletter by adding your email in the box on the right side of the screen and scroll all the way down and leave me a comment below.
And while you’re waiting to see if you win, be sure to check your local newspaper like I did to see if there are any interesting adventures you can volunteer for. You don’t have to be a crazy writer (or one of her children) to have fun. Enjoy!
My sister in law introduced your writing to me a few weeks ago by lending me “Waves of Mercy” I enjoyed it immensely – reading it in three days!! What made it extra enjoyable is that I attended Hope College in the late 60’s and taught there for 21 years!
(Plus I am of Dutch descent!!)
I have decided to make a goal of reading all of your novels! Any suggestions on where to start?
I’ll also keep an eye out for your upcoming events in the west Michigan area.
I love all of your books. You are an amazing writer that makes your books come alive. I would love your newest book to read at the ocean this summer.
You are such a gifted writer. I love your books!
I’ve never volunteered to help with the balloons, but I’ve seen them take off in the early morning chill! I’ve seen them in Colorado Springs and in Albuquerque. They are beautiful to see!
In have read most of your books and LOVE them!! Thank you for sharing your stories with us!
Your writing style immediately draws me in, teaches me so much, and touches my heart with God’s truth! Thank you for listening to His voice and sharing your talent with all your readers!
I love your writing! I would love to win this book.
I have read all your books love love love them.
I love Wilhemina … oh and Lori. What a beautiful story.
That sounds like an amazing adventure! My family learned how to drive model Ts together, and I’m sure that will end up in a book someday. Thanks!
I always learn something about God and his love for us from every book you wrote. God bless your faithfulness in serving him through your writing.
I have loved every book! Looking forward to reading this one!
Laura C
I would love to have a copy of your book!
I am looking forward to reading this, I have read all the others, and have reread many of them!
Love every book!!!
I choose 3 books each spring for a Summer Book Chat group. Our August 2017 book is Waves of Mercy. Several girls have already read the book and are excited for us to discuss it in August. I’m looking forward to your next book, Fly Away!!
I have been reading your books for years. They are amazing! Can’t wait to read “Flying Away”. I LOVED “Waves of Mercy”. It had extra special meaning for me as my mom gave it to me at Christmas just 10 days before she passed away. Keep the novels coming!!
Looking forward to read your next new book. You are one of my beat genre.
I am excited to read your new novel, Where We Belong. I have been excited for the release date and look forward to some quiet moments of escape and to get closer to God through the book!
Thanks for all of the great books that you’ve written. Looking forward to reading Fly Away soon!
Sounds like a great read! The first book I read of yours was “Eve’s Daughters”, I have been a fan since then!
I love all of your books!
Love all your books!!
Chronicles of the Kings and the other series about old testament history really opened up the bible to me and gave me a much better understanding of old testament scripture.
You are the best!!
I have greatly enjoyed almost all of your books, only 2 more to go until I have read them all.
God Bless You!!
I’ve been a loyal reader since a friend gave me “Eve’s Daughters ” for my birthday, 15-some-odd years ago. Since then I reluctantly/I mean cheerfully share all your books with my Mom, sister and Grandma
What journeys you have taken us on, and lessons so dear to my heart.
You are one of my favorite writers!
Love your books! Can’t wait to read Fly Away! Really enjoyed Waves of Mercy because it takes place in my home state! We also went to the beach last weekend in Holland and then drove up to Grand Haven. A very enjoyable day with family.
I would love to have a print copy to share with my lending library. I thought this one of your best, filled with insight and hope.
Big fan of your work. Excited to read the new book!
I love all your books! As soon as they come out I rush to our local christian book store to buy them. I was disappointed Fly Away can’t be bought locally so I’m really hoping to win a copy.
I have enjoyed reading your books. I would also love to read Fly Away.
I have been in love with your books for years now! They have been a light to me during some dark times of moving, adjusting to life as a new mom, and so much more! Thank you for writing clean and amazing literature!!
Your well written stories are captivating and I can hardly wait to read this one too.
Dear Lynn, Thank you so much for writing! I have 3 or 4 more books to go until I have read them all. Your characters begin to feel like family and I love how your stories feel like mini-vacations when they transport me to a different time and place.
I LOVE LOVE LOVE your books. They are some of my favorites! I can’t wait to read the newest release!
In the three short months since I discovered your books, I have been blessed and challenged enormously! Evidently, I talk about the books quite a bit because more than a dozen of my friends are now engrossed.
My Bible study group has been studying Haggai and Zechariah, and the Restoration Chronicles added so much to our understanding of and appreciation for the history and the characters we were studying. We finish our study tomorrow, but there are still several in the queue for the books!
I’m really looking forward to the balloon race!
Can’t wait to read your new book!
All your books that I’ve read have been special, but Return to Me made Scripture come alive. Have read it twice so far.
~Hello Lynn~ My daughter introduced me to your amazing writing as CHRISTmas gifts 2 yrs ago. Since then,I’ve anticipated a new stack of books for each celebratory occasion in my life. Escaping into your works has warmed my heart through the long,cold winters of western New York & lazily idled away summer afternoons on my lawn swing. You feel like an “old” friend! ~Cathy~
Hi Lynn, I love your writing! Your characters become so real and we can learn so much from them! My favorite character was Eli,who loved Master Jesus! What an example he was! Refiner”s Fire, my favorite series. Thank you!!!
You and your family have amazing lives, and I’m so grateful to have been able to share in small fraction of those lives. It’s beautiful to see how God has led and how each of your family has followed His calling. Because I know you, your books are even more special to me. May God continue to bless you.
I’m looking forward to reading your new book.
Thank you for all your books. Have read them all. A few of my favorites are Pilgrimage, A Woman’s Place and Wonderland Creek. I am looking forward to getting a few of your books on CD for our annual road trip with my girls.
I am so ready for another of your books!
Fun post! Looking forward to reading this one!
Have loved your books for quite a while, would love this one!
Love your books. Just shared one with my sister-in-law. Hope she loves your books as much as I do!
I think a balloon ride would be so cool! (Maybe literally?) I’ve always thought riding in one in Lancaster county, PA or in France would be the ultimate but I’m sure it would be interesting and fun no matter where you rode.
I love your books and wait anxiously for each one to be released. As I am reading, I want the book to never end., I would so much like to win this book. Please don’t ever stop writing.
I’ll be reading your books on my iPad the next couple of weeks while on a trip to Alaska
Have always loved hot air balloons and wanted to ride in one. Would love to read you newest books, too!
Hi Mrs Austin!
Thanks so much for your inspiring books. I’m still discovering them and am currently enjoying Eve’s Daughters that I found here in Olivedale Public Library in Johannesburg, South Africa! It would be wonderful to win Fly Away!
May God continue to bless you as you serve Him with your skill.
I have always loved your books and this one sounds incredible. Each one touches a place that other writing cannot.
I just began reading “Waves of Mercy” and am looking forward to “Fly Away” as well. Thank you for sharing your gift of creativity.
I have all your books. I just shared two series with a new friend and now she’s hooked as well! Can’t wait to read your latest. Keep writing… we love you!
I have been a fan of your books since receiving Eve’s Daughters as a gift from a friend years ago. I have read many of your books since then and currently just started Waves of Mercy. It holds particular interest to me as a Reformed believer and live near Holland. I graduated from Hope College and was pleased to learn you also are a Hope grad. Looking forward to reading Fly Away too and enjoyed your blog post of the adventures you take and use as fuel for your writing!
I loved reading your description. They are so beautiful to watch in the air.
I enjoyed reading Waves of Mercy. I took a trip to Michigan in 1998 to visit relatives and got to visit Lake Michigan in a couple of locations. I enjoyed your post about hot air balloons. A friend of mine went up on one on a few years ago and shared her pictures. Not sure I would be that brave.
I have not read all of your books yet but the ones I have,have all been wonderful. Can’t wait to read fly away.
Lynn, every opportunity I have to “fly away” with you on a reading adventure promises delight and satisfaction. I don’t read your books just once or twice; I pick them up as one picks up with a friend one hasn’t seen for some time. Thank you for being faithful to your calling!
Have I believe all your books. Will not part with any of them. Am re-reading the series refiners fire and on the last with A Light to my Path. With this series I learn a little more of history and enjoy the people so much. Will re-read Wonderland Creek next. You have a God given gift that we can all enjoy. Thank You So Much for all you do.
Having gone on a balloon ride ourselves, this sounds kinda familiar. Would love to get a copy of your new book and enjoy it with a cup of coffee, out on my deck.
Always love your books. It’s clear that you thoroughly research every aspect of your story and setting, which I love! I think Wonderland Creek remains one of my favorites.
Hello Mrs. Austin,
My wife and I have read and enjoyed nearly two dozen of your delightful novels because we share something in common with you: our last name! We were browsing in a store when I came across a copy of Wings of Refuge by Lynn Austin.
Our common name led me to pick it up and read the back-cover description of the story and I asked Mary Anne if she would like to have it. That was the beginning of our addiction to the imaginative worlds your writing has opened up for us.
Thank you for the time and hard work you have put in to creating your real and fascinating characters as well as the little details that draw us into their lives and the inspiration we receive from the intimacy of watching them grow in their faith.
Bravo! We look ahead to enjoying more worlds from your imagination (and meticulous research) in the future.
Dave Austin
I love your books! I’m really looking forward to reading the new one.
I love your books! I’m really looking forward to reading the new one.
I’m new to reading your books (I’ve read the Hezekiah series?) but I’m reading Wonderland Creek right now and I love it! Do you have a sarcastic tone toward the principle character, Allie? Well, thank you for writing as you do…I’m enjoying my summer so much more with your writing!!!
Fly Away is the only book of yours that I haven’t read yet. Reading ‘Though Waters Roar’ right now.
Can’t wait to read it!!!!!
I signed up for your newsletter!
I actually got to take a hot air ballon ride when I was young. Young enough that I don’t remember a whole lot about it. I’ve been to a few hot air ballon festivals in my area as an adult, but never another ride!
Your books are amazing! They are so real to life and have truly touched me. I love, love, love them!! You are an awesome writer and hope you write lots more!! I cannot put them down when I get a new one.
I’ve read all your books! Love them! You are a great writer!
Looking forward to this newest book. So love your writing!
I squelled with delight when I saw your new book was out! Can’t wait to read it! Thanks for continuing difficult but rewarding journey of writing.
I squealed with delight when I saw your new book was out! Can’t wait to read it! Thanks for continuing difficult but rewarding journey of writing.
I’ve often thought I’d like to go in a hot air balloon. Someday I will do it! Thank you for sharing and the opportunity to win your book. I look forward to reading it!
My daughters enjoy reading your works, over and over again. Thanks for providing quality reading material for them.
Only wish I could find another author, or two, whose books I would enjoy as much as I have enjoyed Lynn’s. And believe me, I’ve researched/googled/asked around (as well as reading others) and have yet to find any whose books hold my attention and draw me in the way Lynn’s do. I welcome suggestions. Looking forward to October’s release.
I can see you, in my minds eye, sitting at your desk writing. It is a lovely picture.
Blessings on you Lynn
Hi Lynn! I would be absolutely star struck if I got one of your copies specifically from you. I own all of your books except this one. The first series I read was Chronicle of the Kings. I loved it so much. The words God spoke through you in this story helped me learn more about God and encouraged me to explore more of the Word. It helped me understand how important these stories are for our lives and how relatable these lessons and stories really are. After reading these, I couldn’t put your books down. I read them all within a few months. I love a good story about people and learning about their lives and how every little decision we make affects ourselves and people around us and how they make decisions later on in life. I like to pray to God and talk to Him. But I never understand the real importance of really talking to Him daily and constantly until I read the stories and lives of your characters and how they suffered when they didn’t cling to Him and how they thrived when they did. I’ve learned about God’s restoration in our lives and His undying love and forgiveness through your books. Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful work with us. I am truly and greatly blessed by them. You bless many with your books.
I’m another fan of your books. Thank you for the giveaway.
I enjoy your books so much. I look forward to reading this one also.
I never miss reading your books, to date I have read all of them, The Pilgrimage is one of my favorites! I love how you incorporate so much wisdom with scripture into your writings! You are one of the best writers out there! I share your name with others all the time! God bless you and your family for touching lives with the Gospel!
I, too, absolutely love your books! I’ve even introduced my book club members to them! I look forward to reading this one!
I love your writing & love your books! Thanks for the chance to win. I loved Violet in A Proper Pursuit….one of my favorite characters ever!!
I have loved every one of your books that I’ve read. My daughter told me about Fire By Night from our church library and it is my favorite – so far. I have read every one that the church library has and am now on the last one from the public library. So in order to read EVERY Lynn Austin book (my goal), I have found an online used book site where I can buy all the ones I have not read. I would love to win a copy of Fly Away and the Chronicles Series! I got 3 wrong in your quiz. Thank you for writing books! I learn so much historically and am always encouraged spiritually from your books.
I would like to be added for the win!! My very favorite is Alice… she is my kindred!!
I could easily identify with Alice as the story begins because I always keep a book handy. You never know when you will have an occasion to read.
“I didn’t plan on reading—you make me sound like such a horrible person. But I started the chapter during my lunch break at work, and then I had to stop right in the middle of it when my hour was up. All afternoon I’ve been dying—pardon the expression—to find out what happened. So when the eulogies went on and on and I couldn’t stop thinking about the characters, I decided to take just a tiny peek and . . . and how was I supposed to know that I would get pulled back into the story again?”
–Alice ~ Wonderland Creek
Kathleen ~ Lane Hill House
After reading only a few comments, I feel so very inferior in what to say in order to have a chance of winning your book. I love your writing. When I read your books, you seem to have the ability to make me feel as though I am right there in the story. I am so looking forward to reading your new book now. I hope you continue to write for a long, long time. And thank you for giving us all the chance to win your book.
Love your comment, Maureen. We all stand on level ground before Him. So thankful. Blessings, Kathleen x
I have loved all your books I have read – I’m still making my way through some of the older ones. My favorites are those that teach me more about the old Bible stories I’ve heard since I was a child! God’s Word is, in fact, riveting!
I would absolutely love the opportunity to win this new book!
Writing is such a challenging skill because it does require life experiences such as your hot air balloon one. I read that you are a teacher and also faced the challenges that I face every year of teaching fourth graders to write. It has become more difficult with the state requirements becoming more rigorous at early ages of students too. I tell my students that you have to really understand what you are writing about in order to write. It may sound like common sense but it took me awhile to figure that out. I love how your writing not only is clear but also encompasses your deep love of our Savior. Every book teaches a life lesson too! Thank you for writing such lovely stories to take us away from our struggles too!
Hello Lynn
Hope all is Well, i met you in the Netherlands with the TV interview with Jennifer Guetta Peersmann, you signed all my books written by you, I love reading your books and love to have the new one
Greetings from Marjon Klerkx
Hi Lynn,
I am always eagerly waiting for your next book. I would love to win a copy of Fly Away. A hot air balloon ride is one of the adventures on my bucket list.
You should come to New Mexico if you want more volunteer experience!
The Balloon Fiesta is HUGE in Albuquerque.
Hugs, Amada (
I can’t wait to read it!!! Lynne is my favorite author!! I always ask for her new book for Christmas and then start reading the day after!! I am VERY excited that there are 2 new books out this year!! Can’t wait to read this one. (and I hope I win the free copy!!)
I have read every single book you’ve written. You’re my favorite author! You even responded to me personally by email when I asked you a question. How kind! I’d love to read FLY AWAY. Thank you for putting my name in the drawing.
I may be writing this too late to win your book but I’ll buy it regardless. Your books bring joy to me and you can make the Bible come alive and enjoyable to understand what I’m reading. I’ve read all your books and can’t really say which one I enjoyed the most as they all touched my heart. Thank you for the joy coming when I get your next book.
You are my all time favorite author and I read all the new books as soon as they hit the shelves. I live in Kansas and have had 2 opportunities to ride in a hot air balloon–one in Kansas and one in Colorado. Kansas was better because the mountains didn’t block the view–haha! And we didn’t have the downdrafts that we had in Colorado.
Your writing is so in depth and vivid. It’s amazing the variety your books offer. You’ve taken me to bible times with Hezekiah, Ellis Island, and currently New York during WWII. Thank you for sharing your talent with the world.
Thanks for all the wonderful hours of reading. I think I have read most of your books, and I am looking forward to reading the new ones.
God Bless
Shirley Bulman.
Hi Lynn,
A friend introduced me to your books, as I am on my way completing “Among the Gods”. These 5 books have taking me on a spiritual journey of inspirational conversation with friends and family, questioning my level of Faith and knowing Faith is walking by trust and that you will walk through vicissitude differently when you have God in your life, regardless of my reciprocity. Thanks for the profound brainstorming of life changes, choices and principles. I’m looking forward edifying my soul in this summer season… Peace, Prayers and Blessings
Carol- Pittsburgh “Steelers, Pens and Pirates”
Dear Lynn,
I thank God for giving you your amazing ability to create wonderful, inspiring stories.
I have read every book you have written. I wouldn’t know where to begin to choose a favorite as each and every one is special. I became a fan when the first book in your Chronicles of the Kings series was offered as a free Nook book. I then HAD to get the rest of the series and followed that with the Civil War series and your many other wonderful novels. I introduced you to my sister with Eve’s Daughters and Hidden Places. Your characters become so real to me that I wish they actually were real and that I could meet them
I love to look at all those balloons in the air but afraid .loved and read most of your books.Thanks for the giveaway and hope I win a copy.
I always look forward to and enjoy your books. Interesting back-story for this one! I am a prior member of your newsletter list.
Dear Lynn,
I am the librarian in a church library. Your books, especially the Chronicles of the Kings series, have been popular with me and my patrons. You put so much historical detail into your novels–something that really adds to their value. Please keep writing! Blessings!
Dear Lynn, Thank You for using your writing talent for God’s glory. Can’t wait to read the new release.
You are one of my favorite authors and I look forward to reading your newest book.
Have a great collection of your books and loan them out so others learn to like them as much as myself.
Happy now your live in Michigan. Would so wish to
win the book. Either way I know I will be reading it.
Love your books and look forward to reading your new one.
Thank you,
Hi Lynn,
I read all three books in your Civil War series and loved them all.
Your characters are so life like and the plots are amazing.
Please consider me one of your fans.
I first started reading your books with Candle in the Darkness from that point on I was hooked. I pass my books on to my mother who is on a fixed income. She was hooked as well. Your books span the ages and we have had be many wonderful conversations about your books. She will be 80 in July and I will 61 in July. My daughter also enjoyed the books and she is 35. We are all fans! Thanks so much for your beautifully written books that are so hard to put down.
We would love to read a sequel to “Waves of Mercy” as well as your book “Fly Away”.
Both my mother and I love your books. We live in the Chicago area and have also lived in Michigan so many of your locations are ‘home’. If I win the book..I would give it to mom.
We always look forward to your new releases!
I love your stories! Thanks for the chance to win this book! Fun to hear about some of the background. Where we live, we often have hot air balloons pass over our house. Our first dog was terrified of them. Maybe some day, I’ll have to try riding in one!
I was taking a bible study class about the Prophets, and your Chronicles of The KIngs series and your Restoration Chronicles series coincided with the same time period we were studying. You really made that time period come alive for me! I absolutely loved the stories, and I recommended them to my bible study!
Thank you for this opportunity!
It’s always exciting when a new Lynn Austin book comes out! I thoroughly enjoyed “Waves of Mercy” – especially since I live “right down the road” in Zeeland.
Keep the great books coming!
Hi Miss Austin,
I’m read all your books except for the 2 new ones..I can say that I’m instantly an avid fan and even recommending your books to my friends. Your books led me closer to God and understand His nature and character. Please keep on writing and share the good news through your books.
God bless you more with heavenly wisdom and knowledge.
With love from Philippines,
Bilz Paras
I am an avid reader, and your books are among my favorites. I can’t wait to read your new releases. “Until We Reach Home” is one if my very favorite books. Thanks for the many hours of reading enjoyment.
Hello Lynn, I would like to fly away sometimes from the weight of this world and be absorbed in a book that gives me a new hope and insight to this life that God has given me. Please allow me to submit my name to win a copy of your book Fly Away.
I love that you are encouraging people to get out and volunteer and be a part of something! Too often I find myself getting into a groove of what I need to get done and my life. Thank you for the reminder to step outside of ourselves and look for more adventures in daily life.
When I read a book I rate it from one to five based on how much I enjoyed it, with five being the highest. I have read 22 books by Lynn Austin (including the first printing of “Fly Away”. I gave 19 of them a five and 3 of the a four. Highest rating of any author I have read. HH
So looking forward to your new book “Fly Away”. I’ve read all your books, love how you put all times of history into a book, I try and make a book last as I’m reading because I hate to see it end. Thank you so much for giving me back my love of reading.
Enjoyed meeting you when you visited Holt —-Still think your series Chronicles of the Kings is my favorite
There used to be a hot air balloon company close to my home and we would see their balloons go over our house. I never did get to ride in one, but did get to climb in one that was tethered for a 100-ft lift at a fair. That was fun! And really enjoyed the Hot Air Balloon Festival when it was in Illinois back in 1999-2000. What a beautiful sight when the sky is filled with hot air balloons! I really enjoyed meeting you when you came to our Festival of Books a few years ago and have read most of your books, but NOT “Fly Away.” Sure hope I’m a winner!!
Lynn, you are my favorite author! I have read all your books and can’t wait to read Fly Away!
I try to read all your books and am eagerly looking forward to “Fly Away” and welcoming you to our Book Club
I enjoy your books. My favorite is the Refiner’s Fire Series. I like historical fiction. This series is really good! Wish I could win!
I love your books! I just returned from loaning one to a friend who is recovering from a car accident. She has not read your books before so I know she’ll be thoroughly taken! Thanks Lynn for all your wonderful books.
Up, up and away!
Congratulations on this re-release of “Fly Away.” It is one of the very few books by you that I haven’t ready yet, so I would love to win a copy. I know that I will love the people and be drawn into their lives and be blessed by the things that bless them.
Thanks for using your skills (and adventures!) to bring people closer in their walk with God.
Hello Lynn, the first book I read of yours Love amidst the ashes on the life of job (still one of my favourites) as are all the Biblical adventures, loved Kings series and Nehemiah book, so faith building. I have been so inspired and encouraged by your truly Living fiction stories. Your Biblcal interpretation is truely the gift of God’S Holy Spirit , such a wonderful and beautiful gift shared with all your readers, thank you so much for all the engaging and colourful characters and great stories, have passed them on to friends. Love and God’s blessings to you and your family. PAm Jones
Love your historical research and information in your books. Since we lived in Holland, MI for 7 years when hubby attended Hope and Western, was fascinated by the Waves of Mercy book!
Would love to win this book of yours, as I enjoy your books. Thank you for the chance.
I am a big fan!! It started when my husband and I started reading your series Restoration Chronicles together. We had never read books together aloud before, but we are retired and looking for ways to share together time! It was stimulating and informative as we climbed into Scripture and saw it come alive!!! Thanks so much. Since that time I have read others of your books such as “All things New”, “Gods and Kings” and I so enjoy the way you mix historic information with awesome stories. You are being used of God I assure you! God bless you as you continue your ministry to so many.
Would love to have a copy of your book. Thank you
I am so anxious to read this newest book! So sorry I missed the launch of this one!
I was first introduced to your writing by a co-worker who was a member of your church before you moved. I have read everything you have written since then. I am looking forward to your new book even if I do not win a copy. You are an inspirational writer and I thoroughly enjoy your books.
Never read one of your books, but I sure hope I win because they sound really good. Thanks.
Just want you to know this past Spring our book group decided to read volume 1 of Chronicles of the Kings. After the first page of Gods and Kings I had my Bible by me to check for accuracy. You made the scriptures come alive by engaging us in what it most likely was for Hezekiah as he witnessed his brothers and cousins deaths. Many of the group members finished the entire series before our group met again. My husband read them and now we both are big fans. We finished Restoration Chronicles. We just want you to know how you have helped make the biblical people and scripture come alive. We are currently reading Pilgrimage: My Journey. Thank you for writing these faith building books.
I’ve read almost all your books and love them all! Please keep writing!
Hope you will write some new Biblical novels soon.
I would love to “fly away” with any or all of your books. Haven’t met one yet that I didn’t like!
I am slowly re reading all your novels and always anticipate the new ones. They seem to publish just in time for me to have one to read during a vacation. Fly Away will be perfect for this summer!
My husband introduced me to your books by giving me Waves of Mercy for Christmas. I loved it so much that I quickly searched the library for more of your books. I read all 3 of your works about the Civil War. I am hooked on your books and can’t wait to read this new one. (p.s. I live in Holland, MI–just moved here 2 years ago).
Lynn – Can’t wait to read I’ll Fly Away so I am taking it with me this coming week on a mission trip to Nicaragua. Will have time to read on the plane, probably not in Nicaragua. Needed a new book to encourage and inspire as I trust God to use us in the village of Terrabona as we serve Him there. The Chronicles of the Kings are still my all-time favorites. I have loved all the books and learned so much wonderful history lessons along the way too. Blessings and joy to you as you write away!
I am looking forward to reading Fly Away. It would be nice to have my own copy of one of your books. I have been checking books out at the library. Currently, I am on page 319 of Though Waters Roar. (Started Pilgrimage: My Journey but got sidetracked by some fiction works.) I haven’t come to the part where Harriet explains why she is in jail for hauling bootleg liquor. Your books are a joy to read!
Loved “Waves of Mercy”and looking forward to reading “Fly Away”.
I would love to read this book!
I’ve met Lots of Wonderful, crazy Mom’s who aren’t necessarily writers, but value serendipity and always have their antennae out for Fun, interesting, and worthwhile things to do with their kids or their friends. A Mom in our Rotary club enlisted her two teenaged daughters to help man our water station for the Walkway Over The Hudson Marathon, and a more helpful, enthusiastic pair we couldn’t have asked for – and they got to watch the Marathon, up close and personal!
looking forward to the new book!!
Lynn, I’ve heard you speak several times at churches in the sw Chicago suburbs and have read most of your books–now reading AGAIN “A Woman’s Place.” You mentored my granddaughter, Kate Meyrick, who just graduated from Trinity Christian College with a double major–English and Music (was encouraged by your husband to add Music!) and minor in Theology. Kate still has a dream to write historical fiction someday but is working as Director of Music at Missio Dei church in New Lenox while deciding on what masters program to enroll in next year. This July Kate is blessed to travel with a group from Trinity to Israel sponsored by Passages. Thank you for writing the kind of books that have inspired Kate!
I have read most of your books and am always excited to find a new one! Although the plots to most are fiction, I learn so much history… without even trying! Biblical fiction is by far my favorite. I was disappointed when I finished that series. Then I began looking for Biblical fiction by other authors and read a couple of them. They t were just not the same! In your books I find myself running, hiding, laughing or loving right along with the characters. The Biblical fiction opened my eyes to so much more as I read my Bible now. I can only imagine the hours and hours of research it must take for you learn about so many different time periods in history before beginning each book. I am a huge fan!
I’ve always been fascinated by hot air balloons. Looking forward to reading your new release! Thank you for the giveaway opportunity!
Oh my, I’d LOVE to read this!
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