We’re getting closer! My newest novel, “Chasing Shadows,” will be released in just two more months, on June 8. So, a few days ago, my publisher, Tyndale House, sent a film crew to my home to interview me about the book. It was quite interesting to have my home transformed into a recording studio, with lights and cameras and complicated-looking equipment.

It seemed like there was a lot going on around me as I sat there smiling and talking and answering questions. It was hard not to get distracted as I described the novel, which takes place in The Netherlands during World War II. I talked about the inspiration for the book, and described my three main characters, Lena de Vries, her daughter Ans de Vries, and Miriam Jacobs, a Jewish refugee.

When the interview ended, we switched gears and moved to an outdoor setting. I live in Holland, Michigan, which originally was settled by Dutch immigrants, and our town just happens to have a beautiful park with a 250-year-old windmill imported from the real Holland. It’s the only authentic, working Dutch windmill in the United States. There’s a windmill in “Chasing Shadows” but you’ll have to read the book to find out more about it. My town of Holland also has millions of tulips, which are just beginning to bloom in time for the annual Tulip Time Festival in May.

I will announce the links to the finished interview when the film is completed and edited. But in the meantime, I’m giving away an autographed copy of my novel “Waves of Mercy,” which I wrote a few years ago. It tells the story of the Dutch immigrants who settled Holland, Michigan in 1857. The area was still a wilderness, but the settlers were escaping religious persecution in the Netherlands and were happy to be here. Simply leave a comment below and I will randomly choose a winner. Happy Springtime!

Dear Lynn, I enjoy your books very much and am looking forward to reading your newest novel situated in my country 🙂
Love your books! Definitely takes me to places I’ve never been!
You put me in these places with these people (characters) my mind wonders to them to at all times of the day! That’s how you know it’s a great book!
Waving to my hometown girl from here in Kentucky! I miss my hometown very much . Your latest book of course grabs my attention! Congrats!
WWII? Count me in! Looking forward to hearing the interview.
Love your books!
Looking forward to this book!
I have enjoyed so many of your books. I am looking forward to your new book.
I loved ‘Waves of Mercy’, and I can’t wait to read ‘Chasing Shadows’, but I think you need an Australian tour to find inspiration for your next novel! <3
Can’t wait to read your newest book. I love to read and reread your books. You’re the best!!
Tulips were my Mom’s favorite flower. Can’t wait to read the new book!
Hi, Lynn. God has certainly blessed you with a talent for writing and sharing about Him throughout your books. I am so very much looking forward to your new release. Michele Hardie, Holland, MI
Lynn, love your books. I am looking forward to the next book since it takes place in the Netherlands and many of my ancestors originated from there.
I can’t wait to read your new book. I have read all of your books and thoroughly enjoyed each one. You always astound me with your writing skills and I hope you continue to write for a long time.
Loved reading about your filming day and the interesting information about your hometown, Holland, Michigan. I was raised in Holland, TX and I’ve taught school there for the last 25 years as well. Many years ago (way before my time) the yearbook was called The Wooden Shoe. Can’t wait to read your new novel!!
I’m looking forward to your new book!
Excited to read any and all! !
I truly enjoy reading your books, Lynn, and would sure love to win a print copy of your newest book, which really looks exciting and intriguing! Thanks for the opportunity to enter a giveaway! To know more about me, and to “Like” my Western art, I invite you to go to: http://www.facebook.com/LualOKrautter
I gobbled up Waves of Mercy and when next I visit Holland Michigan, I will see it with fresh and grateful eyes. Thank you for bringing these delicious characters to life.
Wow!!! I can’t wait to watch the video. It sounds great
How interesting! I haven’t had a chance to read one of your books for awhile and this new one sounds really good.
I can’t wait to watch the interview! I love to talk but talking in front of large crowds or cameras always makes me so nervous. ☺️
So excited for your new book! I’ve gotten my friend hooked on your books recently and she is making her way through them, also in love with them!
I have thoroughly enjoyed reading your books. Can’t wait for the new book.
My three daughters have also become your readers.
My favorite author and looking forward to reading this book
Hi Lynn! I’ve read almost all of the books you’ve written. You have such a way of capturing the souls of your characters. I feel as though I know them personally by the time I’ve finished reading your books. Waves of Mercy was the first book of yours that I read, and also living in Holland, MI, I could relate with so many things you wrote about. If you ever do any local book talks (or just want to do lunch sometime) , please let me know. I’d love to meet you.
Looking forward to your new book. Loved Waves of Mercy and the history of the Dutch settlers. Made me realize how difficult their struggle was and how much we take for granted in our lives today.
I love Holland, Michigan! Thanks for the fun reminder that we’ve walked in some of the same places! And thank you for sharing your stories!
Dear Lynn. I am getting so excited for your new book, which includes some of my favorite themes: WW2, the resistance, strong women, and The Netherlands (my heritage). Even more, you have secured a place in my heart and mind as my favorite author. Thanks for sharing these thoughts and photos of my hometown. Blessings!
(PS. I have a coupe of copies of Waves of Mercy, so in the event you draw my name, feel free to give the book to the next name. I just wanted to comment to share my excitement.)
I loved Waves of Mercy! That book and the companion book were so interesting. I’ve been to Holland a number of times, and we live in a suburb of Chicago. I felt like I should go walk where they all walked!! I can’t wait to read your new book too!
The authentic Dutch windmill looks fascinating! I’m looking forward to your new book.
Wow! I have never heard of Holland, Michigan! Your books sound wonderful!!
I just started reading your books and am so glad to have found you. Last night I finished “If I Were You” and can not tell you how much I enjoyed it. I hated for it to end. I now have all of your books on my Amazon wishlist. Thank you for the joy your books bring to me.
It would be amazing to visit Holland, MI during the peak season of tulips! I don’t know how you get in front of the camera like that. I’d be so awkward to fidgety! lol
Looking forward to your new book. Have read all your books. Otake me on a journey each time. One where I smile inside, laugh cry or get the tension in gear. Always a good adventure. Thank you
I just finished “Waves of Mercy”! I couldn’t put it down. It was such a beautiful story of how God works all things together for good. I wish there was a sequel.
A used copy of Legacy of Mercy came my way last week. Took just a few days to read because it was such a wonderful novel. As I read it I began to think I’m missing something and yes I was, the first one Waves of Mercy! Would so enjoy backing up and understanding better the characters that are in Legacy.
I have long been interested in the minor prophets and the Israelite exile to Babylon and Persia as described in the Old Testament. Your Restoration Chronicles series really brought that time period to life for me. I was incredibly blessed by your book Pilgrimage, and I am currently reading Sightings. Thank you so much for sharing the talents and gifts God has given you with the rest of the world.
I feel so grateful for the wisdom you have shared on this blog regarding the life of a writer. I come back often for another encouraging word. Thank you for writing beautiful books, and thank you for sharing the process of writing those beautiful books!
I have just finished reading my first book of yours, “If I Were You” and can assure you it won’t be my last!! You are my new favorite author and I’m going to search out your other books!! I already miss Eve and Audrey! Now that’s the sign of my kind of author, when the characters stay with you! Thank you for writing such wonderful books!
I read your book “Waves of Mercy” not having any idea it was based in Michigan. As I began to read, I got so excited because I grew up in Holland, MI, but haven’t lived there in a years. I could visualize everything as I read. After reading that book, I have been on a journey of reading many more of your books. They are all so wonderful. You are very talented. I am excited to read your newest book “Chasing Shadows”.
Reading this book now on my KINDLE while walking the treadmill in the gym of my apartment building. Quite interesting about the Indian that got mauled by the bear.
Mrs Austin,
After reading “Legacy of mercy”, I became a fan. I live in the Netherlands near Haarlem. And am interested by American history, especially because I have relatives who live near Grand Rapids MI. Visited a few times and even Holland MI! Would love to read more of your books especially “Waves of mercy” and “Chasing shadows” because my mom ate tulipbulbs in the war too. Hope they will be published in the Netherlands. Thanks alot for your lovely books.
Hi Lynn,
I must say, Chasing Shadows is probably the BEST book I ever read!!!!! I’m looking forward to reading more of your books!
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